Hey Friends! Happy Monday! With Valentine’s Day around the corner, I thought I would resurface an old blog post and share some fun ideas for Valentine’s date night! These are some dates Justin and I have partaken in in the past and we’ve always had a blast doing them! Let me know if you’ve tried any of these or if you have a fun idea yourself! Love hearing new ideas!
1. .Go to a museum, art gallery, the zoo, a food truck festival, an amusement park- go somewhere you can enjoy exploring and creating new experiences and memories together!
2. Go out to a really nice dinner, get dressed up and enjoy a couple fun cocktails
3. Volunteer together. Justin and I have done this before to celebrate Valentine’s Day and I promise you it’s the most rewarding feeling and you feel even closer to your significant other when you give your holiday away to helping others!
4. Grab a bottle of champagne and head to a spot that has some sort of significance to you and your main. Sit there and sip while talking about your dreams, fun memories you’ve had together and just enjoy spending time with one another.
5. Light some candles, turn on some good music, and cook a gourmet dinner together at home! This is one of my favorite things to do together, especially on Valentine’s day!