My Thoughts Going into 2018...

Well hey there and Happy New Year friends! I took a MUCH needed holiday break and traveled with friends and family over the past couple of weeks, but I'm baaack! I thought about doing a new years "pretty & pinteresty" post but for some reason I was not motivated to do that. Each year at midnight, I get this overwhelming feeling of how amazing the past year was and a "boss a** babe" attitude looking into the future year and everything I'm going to do and conquer, but for some odd reason I couldn't manage to find those feelings deep down....New Years day went by...still nothing and feeling almost nonchalant about it. THEN it hit me last night, maybe I'm not having those feelings because I've actually already accomplished a lot of my goals I give myself each year, maybe it's an age thing and I've matured and I'm realizing what truly matters. Having a very materialist and facey job, it's common to have really, well, shallow goals and resolution going into each new year. Heck, I've made those shallow goals myself, but this year, last night, I got out a pen and paper and just started jotting down everything I wanted to do and focus on this year. While this is very personal for me to share, I consider all of you my friends and want to share everything with you and maybe, one of these resolutions will speak to you and you'll add something from this list to yours.

  • Slow down and think through every little thing I do : I tend to rush through a lot of things I do and get frazzled and Justin is always reminding me to stop, slow down and think through what I'm doing. This year, it's a goal of mine to remind myself of that rather than having someone else have to tell me.


  • Get Organized: I want to get better at preparing the night before, having work things organized and ready to go ahead of time, keeping the house tidy and organized and being more mindful when organizing our social calendar- we don't have to do it all, but we also don't have to just stay home.


  • Invest in deeper things and live a fuller life: 
    • Invest more in my walk and relationship with God
    • fully be in the moment when I'm with Justin and family i.e. TURN WORK OFF
    • be more engaged and thoughtful in friends live's
    • just be a nicer person. I always put myself in others shoes (including the homeless man I pass on a street) but I can be selfish sometimes and I need to work on that.


  • Finish 1 task completely before moving on to the next: While I may not physically get up from the middle of a task and move on to another, I often am thinking about the next thing I need to do while trying to finish the other. This only leads to a half done job and usually takes twice as long too.


  • Think more positively instead of dwelling on the negative: Don't give into gossip or dwell on the dumb petty things. (this is huge in the blogging world)


  • Quality over quantity in EVERYTHING: whether it be shoes, followers on social media, friends, social life, events and trips. Quality over quantity is definitely one of my mottos for this new year.


  • Be grateful for everything you've already been blessed with: The grass is not always greener on the other side, enjoy the present, but also, be proud of yourself with everything YOU have accomplished thus far.


  • Be mindful and healthy: every year I'm like " I'm going to diet and get in shape and lose weight etc" but this year, even though I'm not in my ideal space and want to keep toning up, I would rather be more mindful about what I'm eating i.e. portion control, nutrition, drinking more water etc. While I think toning up and losing the holiday lbs will come with that, I think as I get older I would rather put more attention to mindful eating rather than dwelling on 'what I can't eat'

Hope you guys enjoyed this different type of post! I was kind of nervous to post this, because I DEFINITELY opened up a little more, but..what are friends for, right?! I wish you all the BEST new year ever! Fresh start, fresh ideas and a fresh year lie ahead of us.... I've very excited about what big things 2018 may bring!!!


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